Tag: wheat bread

Whole Wheat French Bread

Whole Wheat French Bread

Whole wheat french bread is crispy on the outside and soft and chewy inside. This homemade bread is very quick and easy to make. There’s nothing like freshly baked homemade bread. Some fresh and warm slices of bread with softened butter is a heavenly combination 

Whole Wheat Paratha

Whole Wheat Paratha

Whole wheat paratha is an Indian flatbread made with whole wheat flour, salt, oil, and water. Whole wheat paratha is made in layers and formed into a triangle shape, and then roasted on a hot griddle with ghee or oil. It is one of the 

Wheat And Oat Buns With Chia Seeds

Wheat And Oat Buns With Chia Seeds

There’s nothing like freshly baked homemade bread. It is very satisfying and tasty at the same time. These wheat and oat buns are quick and easy to make at home and there’s no need to buy bread from the store with added preservatives. These rustic